The centre utilises 10+ specialised learning sites beyond the centre grounds to encourage student learning and create a connection to place.
Moreton Bay
Moreton Bay Marine Park is a Ramsar protected site, spanning 25 000ha of shallow and deep water habitats. In Moreton Bay there are 120 different species of coral, 7 different species of sea grass and 7 different species of mangroves. Students are incredibly lucky to explore these habitats on-board our 12m catamaran, Inspiration. This floating classroom allows for students to conduct scientific experiments to explore marine processes and flora and fauna in Moreton Bay.
St Helena Island National Park
The historic and picturesque St Helena Island National Park contains the ruins of Queensland’s first penal settlement. Transported to the island aboard Inspiration, students engage in the historic events at this heritage-listed site and are introduced to stories of prisoners and wardens. The stunning site of St Helena Island is also used in our science and geography programs.

Fort Lytton National Park
Fort Lytton National Park, situated on the Brisbane River, has connections to the rest of the world. The Fort was built to protect Brisbane, was an important defence area in WWI and WWII and has been a Quarantine Station. Students in Years 3, 6 and 10 experience the Fort through our Theatre-in-Education programs in partnership with Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service.

Wynnum foreshore
Students visit the Wynnum Foreshore in the Year 3 program, Birds and Beaches, Dogs and Leashes to engage in a real life geographical enquiry. Moreton Bay is an important habitat for approximately 50 000 migratory shorebirds of at least 43 diverse species. At the Wynnum Boardwalk students observe the birds’ habitat and identify potential threats in the area.
Wynnum boardwalk
The Wynnum Mangrove boardwalk stretches through a small section of the mangrove forest. In the Year 4 program, Mangroves and the Environment, students explore the mangrove habitat, identifying mangrove species and investigating life cycles and survival adaptions of organisms including crabs, snails and birds.
North Stradbroke Island
North Stradbroke Island (Minjerribah) is the second largest sand island in the world and borders Moreton Bay. The island has an incredibly rich indigenous history, dating back 21 000 years. Year 2 students and students on our specialist programs (International, Duke of Edinburgh) explore this significant site and discover what this special place reveals about Australian culture and history.
Manly Foreshore
The intertidal zone at Manly Foreshore is home to a plethora of weird and wonderful creatures. In our Year 1 program, Habitat Heroes, students spend a half day exploring the intertidal zone habitat and examining the organisms features and adaptations up close and personal.

Port of Brisbane
Located at the mouth of the Brisbane River, the Port of Brisbane is one of Australia’s fastest growing container ports and the state’s largest multi-cargo port. Students in our Senior program, Port of Brisbane Studies, are challenged with gathering vital data contributing to the management of the Port of Brisbane, whilst observing port operations, shipping movements and other processes.
Port of Brisbane Bird Roost
The wetlands of Moreton Bay are an extremely significant habitat for the migratory shorebirds, which feed and roost in and near areas of the Port of Brisbane. The Port of Brisbane Bird Roost provides students with the opportunity to observe and identify birds and assess their habitat.

Green Island
Green Island is an incredibly diverse and special habitat within Moreton Bay. It is the only coral cay within the bay, having been created by marine animals (corals and algae). The fact that it has flourished for so long alongside such a large population is an indicator of good water quality in the bay. Green Island is a biodiversity hub as it is home to mangroves, seagrass and coral reefs all in one small area.
Newstead House
Newstead House is Brisbane’s oldest surviving home, established in 1846. This iconic landmark has evolved from a simple Georgian cottage into a grand residence following significant renovations and extensions in 1867. The house occupies a commanding position on the high-set banks of the Brisbane River. Primary students visiting this heritage property can reflect on life in the late Victorian period. Year 10 students are transported back to Brisbane during WWII when American soldiers commandeered the house.
Wynnum Creek catchment
Year 2 students in our program, Go with the Flow, study Wynnum Creek Catchment to develop an understanding of how water flows through a catchment and what might impede this flow. Students follow the course of Wynnum Creek until it meets the ocean waters of Moreton Bay and examine the importance of water to all living things and to the environment.
Bulimba Creek catchment
Senior geography and biology students collect data across four sites from the upper to lower catchment. Students develop understanding of how a catchment works, its connection to Moreton Bay health and the impacts of urbanisation.